
Monday, May 18, 2015

Woman Drowns After The Car She Was Having Sex In Rolled Into A River

This is horribly unfortunate.
A lot of us have had sex in a car, right?
Not like, on a night out with Stan Collymore or anything, but pulling over somewhere quiet and out of the way for a bit of al fresco fun.
There’s quite a thrill in it. Until some midnight dog walkers pop up with their noses firmly pressed against the window, and the girl doesn’t see but you do, and you’re torn as to whether you should stop or not. (I didn’t).
Anyway, unfortunately for this couple in Russia, their problem wasn’t nosey parkers, it was a handbrake. They had left it off, and after having a riverside picnic, they got frisky in the car. It rocked back and forth, which is what you would hope for to be fair, but with the handbrake off, it caused the car to start rolling.
The couple were apparently too drunk to notice the car moving until water stared flooding into the vehicle.
The unnamed man told police that he managed to open a window and climb out, and he tried to rescue his 35 year old wife, but could not reach her, and could only watch as the car sank in the river.
A police spokesperson said:
We received a call from the distraught husband saying his wife had drowned in a lake.
When officers arrived they found a large number of empty bottles at the scene and the man admitted they had been drinking quite heavily.
It is likely that the reason he was unable to save her was because of his inebriated state.
The car was pulled out of the river so that the body could be recovered and taken to the morgue.
The fella is in counselling for shock.
I’m not sure who was planning on driving home if they were both too drunk to notice their car rolling into a river, but that aside this is an awful incident, and I feel sorry for the guy having to live it what happened.

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