
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Michigan Town Lifts Pit Bull Ban After Dog Saves Abuse Victim

A city in Michigan lifted its ban on pit bulls after a dog saved a local woman from domestic abuse.
Jamie Kraczowski was reportedly saved by her beloved pit bull after a domestic abuse attack, and due to a longstanding pit bull ban in the city of Hazel Park subsequently had her dog taken away from her.
According to Kraczowski, her boyfriend at the time of the incident became intoxicated and angrily shoved her against a wall, prompting her dog, Ice, to bite the man’s pant leg and prevent the attack from going any further. Kraczowski and her neighbors fought for a change to the ordinance that saved her from her boyfriend, and a city council meeting on Wednesday resulted in just that.
“It's not just just pit bulls. I've got nieces and they have a pit bull and live up north and the dog protects the baby,” Hazel Park resident Magan Bouchard said at the meeting. “We can't ban stupid owners so we looked to try to address what was a serious public health situation when we had 40-something bites by pit bulls in the past few years.”
The city council, after hearing arguments from Bouchard and other local pit bull lovers, decided to lift the ordinance. With the decision, however, came some stipulations to ensure proper and responsible pit bull ownership.
“They need to be licensed, they need to be neutered, they need to be spayed,” resident Suzanne Rondeau said. “They need to be trained and then you've got a wonderful thing going on and that's what Hazel Park has asked: basically for just responsible ownership.”

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