
Saturday, May 16, 2015

Offers for pornography star: Five million dollars, to serve for 15 years, only one man!

Relationship between powerful businessman and a prostitute, always reminds us of the movie "Pretty Woman". The story of the 1990 film, is repeated with more luxury.
In Japan, a prostitute who is also a porn star, has received five million dollars, to be at the service of one man.

The latter, which is still anonymous, has provided millions Rola Misaki to be "exclusive" only to broadcasts Telegraph.

22-year-old daughter will be together with him for the next 15 years, and then will be by a flat.

According to the Tokyo Reporter, it will have all the luxuries it has a wealthy, for all the years that will be near the businessman.

However, the craft that has beauty hybrid between Russian-Japanese, can only look on and not to be part of pornographic films

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