
Monday, May 18, 2015

Restaurant Owner Creates Britain’s Tallest Burger – Bigger Than His Daughter

This looks amazing. Unhealthy, but amazing.
I do love my food. I’m not dead fat or anything. A bit chubby, maybe. In fact, I’m in trend right now, with this whole ‘dad bod’ thing. So eating one of these is like my equivalent of going to the gym… Right?
Restaurant owner Craig Harker of The George in Stockton, has created Britain’s tallest burger – The 2 and a half feet tall ‘999 Burger’.
Beating the previous record holder by several inches, the burger comes complete with 30,000 calories. Appropriate name, then. That’s two weeks worth of calories for most normal people…
The heart attack on a bun contains 10 gourmet burgers, 20 slices of cheese, two beef tomatoes, one red onion, a slice of iceberg lettuce, mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. Or fiery chilli sauce… If you’re brave.

Craig, who runs The George, said:
It’s got to be the most calories in any burger in Britain. I’m eyeing up my chances for the world’s biggest now.
My daughter Isla is only two feet tall, so this one is even taller than her. She’s a bit overwhelmed by it.
She’s only one so has never seen anything like it. We let her taste a bit and interestingly she seems to love it.
I just want to keep smashing these records and watch our customers getting stuck into challenges.

It costs £35, and if you polish the lot off, you get a full refund.
You could probably put that money towards BUPA or something afterwards. You’ll need it.

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