
Sunday, May 31, 2015

She Walked Half Naked On The Streets

What will be your reaction if you see a naked girl walking in front of you in the street ?Well this happened when a model Leah Jung walked naked with her painted body in the street of Manhattan.As a part of social experiment a model walked naked in Manhattan’s street just to check the reaction of New Yorkers.Model was totally naked below her waist while walking,painting expert depicted a realistic-looking pair of jeans.As you can clearly see in this picture

10 Interesting Facts About Pornography That Will Blow More Than Just Your Mind

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A White Tiger And A White Lion Had Babies And They Are The Cutest Things On The Planet        

These two beautiful creatures, Ivory and Saraswati, are proud parents of the first ever brood of White Ligers. December 2013 saw the birth of the world’s first White Ligers.

Meet Yeti, Odlin, Samson and Apollo! Dr. Bhagvan Antle was the brains behind the operation. He had a white lion as well as a white tigress at his sanctuary. Through careful cross-breeding, him and his team were able to produce these beautiful little guys.The Uncle of these little ligers is Hercules, the world’s largest cat… so clearly record setting runs in the family!While it is POSSIBLE that white ligers have existed in the wild, they definitely have never existed within a zoo anywhere in the world before. Plus, given the geographical locations both inhabit, it would be super unlikely.There are only 1,000 known ligers in the world, but this family makes the first white ligers known in existence. Even white tigers and white lions are somewhat rare themselves, so these creatures are INCREDIBLY unique. Not to mention adorable!Here's one last one for good measure. It's also the cutest!

These Archaeologists Were Excavating Ancient Ruins When They Found Something Tragic

Almost 2,000 years ago, a cataclysmic natural disaster wiped the Roman city of Pompeii off the map. The once-bustling agricultural town was situated at the foot of Mount Vesuvius when it erupted in November of 79 A.D. The eruption entombed the city in about 20 feet of volcanic ash. Many residents who did not flee in time were killed instantly by the intense heat. The most chilling part of all is that the ash preserved their bodies perfectly. Each one is frozen in time.
The location of Pompeii was forgotten until it was rediscovered by archaeologists in 1738. These days, Pompeii is one of the most popular tourist sites in Italy, and researchers continue to uncover and catalog the preserved remains of its former residents. This week, they made a startling, heartbreaking discovery.

They uncovered the preserved remains of a young child who was sitting on his mother's lap when tragedy struck. They believe he was about four years old.

Researchers believe he ran to his mother as Vesuvius was erupting.

Even more tragically, the boy and his mother were found alongside the remains of his father and sibling.Even more tragically, the boy and his mother were found alongside the remains of his father and sibling."Even though it happened 2,000 years ago, it could be a boy, a mother, or a family. It's human archaeology, not just archaeology," said Stefania Giudice, conservator at the Naples National Archaeological Museum."Even though it happened 2,000 years ago, it could be a boy, a mother, or a family. It's human archaeology, not just archaeology," said Stefania Giudice, conservator at the Naples National Archaeological Museum.The tragic scene was uncovered during a restoration project of 86 preserved bodies at the site.The tragic scene was uncovered during a restoration project of 86 preserved bodies at the site.As researchers work on restoring these bodies, they are well aware of the emotional toll that the work can take.As researchers work on restoring these bodies, they are well aware of the emotional toll that the work can take."It can be very moving handling these remains when we apply the plaster," Giudice told journalists."It can be very moving handling these remains when we apply the plaster," Giudice told journalists.These two held on tightly in their final embrace.These two held on tightly in their final embrace.From our distant historical perspective, it's easy to separate our modern world from what happened in Pompeii. It's hard to imagine something so out of control happening today. Still though, it's hard not have pity for these poor souls who probably had no idea what was happening until it was too late.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Meet dan bilzerian

He is a professional poker player, actor, and internet social media crazy. He is leading the high life. Check out some of his photographs
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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Save Your Love Life With A Natural, Drug-Free Way To Cure Erectile Dysfunction

When it gets to the point where you can’t even remember the last time that you had sex because of erectile dysfunction, you need to get help. But what if you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on prescription drugs with a ton of side effects, or don’t feel comfortable going to your GP? Erectile Dysfunction Protocol says it has a guaranteed way to cure this oh-so common problem naturally.
Before we get into the details of this revolutionary approach to erectile dysfunction, or ED, we should probably address some of the anxieties that anyone reading this with ED might be feeling right now. ED can make men feel as if they don’t count anymore, robbed of everything that makes them men. It is embarrassing to talk about, embarrassing to get help for, and even more embarrassing to reveal to a sex partner. But the truth is that many men who suffer from ED give up trying to have sex, knowing that they will not be able to perform, trying to avoid the disappointment. Because of this, ED, though not life threatening on a physical level, causes men deep psychological harm, leading to feelings of worthlessness, anger, and chronic depression.
Given the seriousness of the problem, there are treatments for erectile dysfunction.
The medical industry has manufactured several solutions to the problem of ED. You may have heard of some of them: Viagra or low-T therapy. Through highly visible ad campaigns these treatments have come to dominate the way people believe ED can be treated. However, what the ads won’t tell you about are the terrible side-effects. From heart disease, nerve damage, and bleeding in the lungs, to brain clots, seizures and even death, the side-effects are simply too dangerous to risk using pharmaceutical ED treatments.
So if the answer isn’t upping your testosterone levels with over-the-counter supplements, or highly-priced pills like Viagra, what can men with ED do to get help? They can try a natural way to cure erectile dysfunction that won’t cost them thousands and thousands of dollars.
Erectile Dysfunction Protocol is a natural, safe alternative to risky prescription ED treatments.
By using your diet to trigger a select combination of amino acids, enzymes, proteins, and other organic chemicals that all contribute to your ability to sustain an erection, Erectile Dysfunction Protocol makes it possible to achieve rock hard erections again. What’s even better is that you can get all the ingredients you need on an ordinary trip to the supermarket.
Getting these natural components for your body to work properly won’t just reverse the effects of ED and give you your sex life back, it will make you live a healthier, longer life. Even men who don’t have ED can give their sex life an added boost by using Erectile Dysfunction Protocol’s food lists, combination guide, and portion control, to learn how to get harder erections than they’ve ever had before.
Sounds interesting? Cure erectile dysfunction the natural way, with Erectile Dysfunction Protocol. There is a full 60-day money back guarantee on this guide, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving it a try.


Whether you are single and serially first-dating, or you are struggling with a distant boyfriend who you want to open up to you, or you want to get that ex boyfriend back – Alex Carter has got a technique for you!
Alex Carter is a well-known relationship expert and dating coach. He has dedicated his life to the art of helping women get their dream man by studying the art of attraction and developing a system to help women in every situation get the man they want. He has compiled all of his research and knowledge into an easy to read e-book: ‘Make Him Desire You’.
If you are interested in learning some unconventional ways to get a guy attracted to you. If you have relationship problems and want to fix them, or if you simply want to understand men in general better, then this book is for you.
Make the man of your dreams desire you – just watch the video!
* P.S At the very end of this presentation, you will also discover a man’s most intense and secret desire, that he never shares with any woman.

Gorgeous Girl Sits On People In The Street! And She Almost Get Raped

She certainly didn’t expect this Prank end up like this!

Strange and funny pictures that will make you wonder. photos

gallery of  funny pictures that will make you wonder what the hell happened just before they photos were taken, We have gathered only pictures that will make you say WTF Once you see how they were taken.

17 people work at a job worse than you never will agree to work

They get up in the morning without a desire to go to work? Or you think your job is the worst job in the world? 17 people in front of you is a much worse job of your own. Then came the time a little cheer.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Child Rapist Raped, Stitched By Medics and Re-Raped By 20 Prisoners

A Brazilian Jujitsu instructor by the name of Daryell Dickson Menenzes Xavier gave himself up to the authorities and confessed to sexually assaulting and murdering his own son at the mere age of twelve months old. He was then incarcerated in a Taguatinga prison for thirty days to await his trial for the disgusting crime.
However, word of what Daryell had done quickly spread through the prison, and apparently his fellow inmates weren’t very impressed with his actions. In a sort of triumphant vigilante mission, a gang of 20 prisoners cornered Daryell and each took a turn raping and torturing him, sending him to the prison hospital where medical staff had to give him multiple stitches – I’m sure you can figure out where he needed them.
After being discharged from the hospital and sent back into the general prison population, the same gang of inmates raped him again. Prison staff was alerted to this second wave of sexual assault when they noticed bloodstains on the backside of his prison uniform.
These events have split people into two groups – those who are shocked and disgusted by what is happening to Daryell, claiming this kind of brutal and horrific ‘vigilante justice’ is unlawful regardless of the victim’s initial crime, and those who are glad to see a child predator reap what he sows like a kind of ‘what goes around comes around’ karma.
However outraged or satisfied people might be by Daryell’s story, there hasn’t been a significant amount of vocal protest in his defense. After all, he’s already in prison paying his debt for the awful crime he has committed… does he deserve this extra punishment?
How do you feel about this?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Turkey: Strikes to the head after taking part in a talent show (Video)

A 19-year-old girl in Turkey is in serious condition for life after being shot in the head with firearmsThe reason is as banal as it is tragic; Mutlu Kaya participated in a talent show on national television Sesi Cok Guzel.As was shown in the transmission, the girl had received threats from the tribe of her father and was afraid.19-year-old beauty was taken at gunpoint as he was inside her house in Ergani, part of the conservative province of Diyarbakir, the main city of the Kurdish community in Turkey's southeast.
At the moment it is shot in the head from the garden of the house, the girl was rehearsing her songs.
Police have arrested three people put on the event, including 19-year-old fiance.

Monday, May 18, 2015



Woman Drowns After The Car She Was Having Sex In Rolled Into A River

This is horribly unfortunate.
A lot of us have had sex in a car, right?
Not like, on a night out with Stan Collymore or anything, but pulling over somewhere quiet and out of the way for a bit of al fresco fun.
There’s quite a thrill in it. Until some midnight dog walkers pop up with their noses firmly pressed against the window, and the girl doesn’t see but you do, and you’re torn as to whether you should stop or not. (I didn’t).
Anyway, unfortunately for this couple in Russia, their problem wasn’t nosey parkers, it was a handbrake. They had left it off, and after having a riverside picnic, they got frisky in the car. It rocked back and forth, which is what you would hope for to be fair, but with the handbrake off, it caused the car to start rolling.
The couple were apparently too drunk to notice the car moving until water stared flooding into the vehicle.
The unnamed man told police that he managed to open a window and climb out, and he tried to rescue his 35 year old wife, but could not reach her, and could only watch as the car sank in the river.
A police spokesperson said:
We received a call from the distraught husband saying his wife had drowned in a lake.
When officers arrived they found a large number of empty bottles at the scene and the man admitted they had been drinking quite heavily.
It is likely that the reason he was unable to save her was because of his inebriated state.
The car was pulled out of the river so that the body could be recovered and taken to the morgue.
The fella is in counselling for shock.
I’m not sure who was planning on driving home if they were both too drunk to notice their car rolling into a river, but that aside this is an awful incident, and I feel sorry for the guy having to live it what happened.

Teacher Uses Belt As A Whip To Break Up Classroom Fight

This teacher does NOT take any messing.
Physical punishment is still legal in 19 states in America, but I’m pretty certain this probably crosses a line.The teacher had to deal with a fight in the classroom, so decided to take his belt off and start whipping the kids, while some of them started to run off, screaming.
I’m not sure where I stand on this, to be honest. It’s illegal here in the UK, and it was back when I was in school, so I can’t really speak from experience. However, I know that if I was a teacher, I’d have wanted to whack a few students around the head at times, probably myself included. Some kids might probably benefit from an ass kicking now and then.
What do you reckon?

Restaurant Owner Creates Britain’s Tallest Burger – Bigger Than His Daughter

This looks amazing. Unhealthy, but amazing.
I do love my food. I’m not dead fat or anything. A bit chubby, maybe. In fact, I’m in trend right now, with this whole ‘dad bod’ thing. So eating one of these is like my equivalent of going to the gym… Right?
Restaurant owner Craig Harker of The George in Stockton, has created Britain’s tallest burger – The 2 and a half feet tall ‘999 Burger’.
Beating the previous record holder by several inches, the burger comes complete with 30,000 calories. Appropriate name, then. That’s two weeks worth of calories for most normal people…
The heart attack on a bun contains 10 gourmet burgers, 20 slices of cheese, two beef tomatoes, one red onion, a slice of iceberg lettuce, mayonnaise and BBQ sauce. Or fiery chilli sauce… If you’re brave.

Craig, who runs The George, said:
It’s got to be the most calories in any burger in Britain. I’m eyeing up my chances for the world’s biggest now.
My daughter Isla is only two feet tall, so this one is even taller than her. She’s a bit overwhelmed by it.
She’s only one so has never seen anything like it. We let her taste a bit and interestingly she seems to love it.
I just want to keep smashing these records and watch our customers getting stuck into challenges.

It costs £35, and if you polish the lot off, you get a full refund.
You could probably put that money towards BUPA or something afterwards. You’ll need it.

Miss New Zealand Eats A Two Pound Burrito In Just Over 90 Seconds

This is Nela Zisser, and not only is she a very attractive model who once represented New Zealand in Miss Earth 2013, but she can also knock back a massive burrito in just over 90 seconds.
The 22-year-old appeared in a Youtube video this week doing the challenge, in which she had to consume a whopping two pound burrito as fast as possible. She did it in an impressive 1 minute 44 seconds and made me extremely hungry in the process.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

He bought expensive car, but had to fill it with fuel! (Photo)

He had parked the car in a street of Split. When he returned, he could not be lighted. He had to beg someone to send to the point closest to the fuels. From there he returned with a bottle of fuel.

Offers for pornography star: Five million dollars, to serve for 15 years, only one man!

Relationship between powerful businessman and a prostitute, always reminds us of the movie "Pretty Woman". The story of the 1990 film, is repeated with more luxury.
In Japan, a prostitute who is also a porn star, has received five million dollars, to be at the service of one man.

The latter, which is still anonymous, has provided millions Rola Misaki to be "exclusive" only to broadcasts Telegraph.

22-year-old daughter will be together with him for the next 15 years, and then will be by a flat.

According to the Tokyo Reporter, it will have all the luxuries it has a wealthy, for all the years that will be near the businessman.

However, the craft that has beauty hybrid between Russian-Japanese, can only look on and not to be part of pornographic films