
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cab Driver Was About To Rape Drunk Woman, He Stopped When Radio Announced THIS

Wikipedia states, "Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India." When it comes to scaling the culprit and victim, there seems a gender bias. If any woman's statement is believed to be true, an innocent man might also get hanged even if he hasn't committed the rape.
 As per the data, 53.2 percent rape cases were filed between April 2013 - to July 2014 false, says DCW. Just by killing someone by the laws doesn't make it a less heinous crime. You need to change people's mindset from school, and we should make sure that the society grows equally.
Here is a small story!

This girl calls the cab.

The cab arrives, but the driver has wrong intentions.

He stares at her all the way.

But when she falls asleep...

And the car stops at the desolate road.

He comes out of the car and attempts to do something.

Suddenly, radio starts playing and it makes an announcement that "The Supreme Court of India has announced that rape accused now hanged till death within 30 days" and he backs off.

You can see the clear fear on his face.

The Cabbie - Hard-hitting reality of India.

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