
Sunday, December 6, 2015

15 Weird Things To Do To Your Hair That Are Actually Great For It

When it comes to hair problems -- dryness, hair loss, dullness, brittleness, etc. -- you could spend your entire savings on expensive remedies at the drugstore. But more often than not, the results are pretty lackluster. Consider this for a second, though: what about applying all-natural ingredients to your head instead! Stop dousing your dreads with harmful chemicals, which for all you know are only making matters worse, and opt for things you already have.

1. Wash your hair with an egg for shiny results.

Whisk an egg and use it as your shampoo and conditioner every two weeks or so. The protein-packed food will leave your locks shiny and clean.

2. Add some olive oil and honey to the egg to promote hair growth.

Mix an egg white with one teaspoon of olive oil and honey. Apply it to your hair, leave for 20 minutes, shampoo, and rinse with cold water.

3. Rinse your hair with red wine for silky, shiny locks.

After you've shampooed and conditioned, douse your head with red wine and rinse well.

4. Speaking of red wine, it also helps prevent hair loss and dandruff.

Drinking some each day does your hair a world of good!

5. Beer also makes your hair shinier and softer.

Pour a warm beer over your head in the shower after you've washed your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with cold water for best results. The proteins and vitamins are great for your tresses.

6. Reverse hair washing is a thing and you should be doing it.

Get your hair wet, apply conditioner, and leave in for a few minutes -- then apply your shampoo ON TOP of the conditioner and rinse thoroughly. Do this every week or so for great results!

7. Deep condition with olive oil.

Douse your locks from the ears down with olive oil and cover your hair in saran wrap for an hour. Then, rinse out with shampoo for shiny, silky results.

8. Slather your hair with mayonnaise.

It definitely sounds gross, but using a mayo mask every month helps protect your hair from sun damage, breakage, styling products, and even moisturizes your locks.

9. Combat frizz and static electricity with dryer sheets.

Just rub one from your roots to the ends for instant control.

10. Rinse your hair with onion juice to make it grow faster.

The sulphur in the smelly veggies boosts collagen production. Chop 'em up and squeeze out the juices. Apply the watery mix to your scalp and leave for 15 minutes -- rinse after.

11. Use maple syrup as a mask to cure dryness.

If it's too thick, dilute the syrup with some water, apply to your hair, and let it sit for up to two hours. Shower and rinse like usual and your hair will be super moisturized.

12. Get silky, shiny hair with an avocado mask.

It may seem like a waste of a perfectly good guacamole ingredient, but mix one with some olive oil and lemon juice, let it sit in your hair, and wash it out with shampoo for seriously epic results.

13. Get rid of dandruff with aspirin.
Combine two crushed-up aspirins into your normal amount of shampoo and leave it for a few minutes while you finish showering.

14. Give your brown hair a color boost with cocoa powder.

This mask recipe with yogurt and honey does the trick. There are recipes for blondes and redheads, too.

15. Moisturize your hair with bananas.

Be sure to mash up the bananas in this one-ingredient mask (it's bananas, by the way), let it sit in your hair for 30 minutes, then wash and rinse thoroughly!

There you have it...from painkillers to pancake toppings, these natural, inexpensive hair remedies will have your locks looking like this in no time:

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