
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

6 Tips To Make Her Beg For Sex

#1 Slow Motion

Don’t run through the drill. She likes foreplay way more than you do. We know you quickly want to jump into the main act. But still you need to start slow and gradually turn her on. Start by touching her gently on her arm, neck, thighs, belly, hair and face. Then slowly start progressing to the next level. The wait will kill her, and she will leap on you like a tigress when the right moment comes.

#2 Kiss Right

The softer your kiss, the more passionate it will be. This will warm her up for you, and she will take you in as a lover, not as an organism who can give means to an end, if you know what we mean.

#3 Give Her A Teaser

Give her a teaser of the things that will follow but most importantly, know when to stop. Tease her by moving your finger round her clitoris, but don’t do anything yet. She will beg you to go ahead, but don’t do it. The longer you make her wait, the more aroused she gets. (But don’t wait too long!)

#4 Be Unpredictable

Surprise her by being unpredictable. Leave her guessing every move you are about to make. If you are gentle one moment, be unpredictable the next. Throw her onto the bed, take her top off, and then gently kiss her neck and chest. She loves doing the guesswork for you.
If you get these basics right, she will already be half way into her orgasm and begging you to take her there as fast as you can.

#5 Talk Dirty

Your little lover loves to be talked dirty. The rules of propriety don’t apply in the bedroom, so you can go all out and talk dirty to her by asking her questions about how she’s feeling, how bad she wants it; and telling her what exactly you want to do to her, etc. Both of you need to be very comfortable with your sexuality for this to work. The last thing you want for her is to start crying!

#6 Lift Her Up

Press her up against the wall and lift her up off the ground by her butt so that her legs wrap around your waist. Up the intensity by viciously dry humping her. Then push her away, stare into her eyes, and then roughly dry hump her again.

5 Things You Didn't Know About Breasts

#1 1- Women with breast implants are more likely to suicide

A 15-year study carried out chiefly at Laval University in Quebec, Canada, and published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a 73% higher rate of suicide among women with breast implants over a control group.
Of course, the breast implants themselves aren’t leading to suicidal tendencies; rather, the desire to get augmentation may be symptomatic of an underlying mental condition, such as low self-esteem, depression or body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). Women may opt for implants if they regard larger breasts as a means of gaining confidence or overcoming other personal issues. Unfortunately for these women, another study, this one out of the Department of Psychology at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, concluded that people with issues like BDD “typically do not benefit from cosmetic procedures.”

#2 2- Some women can reach orgasm via breast stimulation

The idea that women can achieve orgasm via breast stimulation alone has been put forward by Marshall Miller and Dorian Solot, a pair of high-profile sex educators and the authors of I Love Female Orgasm: An Extraordinary Orgasm Guide. According to their findings, about 1% of women report the ability to achieve orgasm through manual stimulation of their breasts. As usual, another statistic that further contributes to the mystery of the female orgasm.
For the benefit of everyone, that 1% should speak up and let the world in on their breast-kept secret.

#3 3- Breast fetishism is considered a psychiatric disorder

Leave it to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to call it a fetish (in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). However, since fetishism can be defined as “the use of nonsexual or nonliving objects or part of a person's body to gain sexual excitement,” the APA is right.
In that case, it might be the official psychiatric disorder of the American people, but don’t hold your breath for a presidential proclamation any time soon. As intimated in the introduction, Americans love breasts, but we have a hard time admitting it. Our secretive admiration for breasts is nicely illustrated by the Atlanta-based restaurant chain Hooters. The company’s website admits that “many consider ‘Hooters’ a slang term for a portion of the female anatomy. Hooters does have an owl inside its logo and uses an owl theme sufficiently to allow debate to occur over the meaning's intent.”

Owl-themed? Give it up, man. Their two-page menu features eight sets of breasts and one owl. In fact, it features as many crab legs as owls. While it might not be any more palatable to call the place Crabs than it is to embrace the fetish and call it Nipple Diner, this consistent and tiring prudery in the form of double entendre is both sad and juvenile.

#4 4- Statistically the left one is bigger

This is according to a study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery that looked at the breasts of just under 600 women. As their breasts grow and develop during puberty and beyond, one of the chief concerns girls have, and something that causes them way more grief than is necessary, is over one being bigger or smaller than the other.
Of course, there is no such thing as a perfectly symmetrical set of breasts; there are only sets that appear more symmetrical than others.

#5 5- Men can also lactate

Yes, Virginia, there really is such a thing as a lactating male nipple.
The good news is that spontaneous lactation in men is exceedingly rare. Instead, when men do lactate, it is usually brought on by a drug hormone regimen prescribed to treat some unrelated condition. What’s going on is fairly basic: Men have mammary glands just like women, and some cancer treatments require estrogen, which means that men who are receiving a certain type of cancer treatment may lactate.

There seems to be some scant and altogether dubious precedent for men serving as wet nurses, as well as men who breastfeed their children (appropriately enough, they're called ”milkmen”), but it is lacking any clinical foundation and appears at best anecdotal. It might be best to keep it that way.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Cab Driver Was About To Rape Drunk Woman, He Stopped When Radio Announced THIS

Wikipedia states, "Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India." When it comes to scaling the culprit and victim, there seems a gender bias. If any woman's statement is believed to be true, an innocent man might also get hanged even if he hasn't committed the rape.
 As per the data, 53.2 percent rape cases were filed between April 2013 - to July 2014 false, says DCW. Just by killing someone by the laws doesn't make it a less heinous crime. You need to change people's mindset from school, and we should make sure that the society grows equally.
Here is a small story!

This girl calls the cab.

The cab arrives, but the driver has wrong intentions.

He stares at her all the way.

But when she falls asleep...

And the car stops at the desolate road.

He comes out of the car and attempts to do something.

Suddenly, radio starts playing and it makes an announcement that "The Supreme Court of India has announced that rape accused now hanged till death within 30 days" and he backs off.

You can see the clear fear on his face.

The Cabbie - Hard-hitting reality of India.

Is it Hump Day already!? (10 Photos)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Kim Kardashian To Ronda Rousey: “Don’t Talk About Me… YOU’RE The One Who Got Your A** Kicked!”

If you haven’t already heard, over the weekend, once undefeated UFC fighter Ronda Rousey got herself savagely knocked out by underdog Holly Holm.
Before her brutal defeat this weekend, Rousey, who seemingly was pretty high and mighty after having a perfect fight record, talked a lot of smack about a lot of people, including none other than Kim Kardashian.
In a recent interview, Rousey went on a rage induced tiradeabout how she would love to beat up Kim Kardashian for being a “glorified pornstar”.
Well, now Kim is using the defeat to put Rousey in her place about the rude threat.

Kim Kardashian To Ronda Rousey: “Don’t Talk About Me… YOU’RE The One Who Got Your A** Kicked!”

This week, Kim responded to Rousey after her seeing her nasty knockout on Saturday. In response to the “Hoe” comments Kim decided to send flowers to the former champion with a note that said: “I forgive you and hope you feel better… Being in the spotlight is kind of hard now isn’t it? Next time just make sure to make sure your OWN ass doesn’t get kicked”
Once feared, it seems as though Rousey has lost a lot of respect from many people, and now they’re taking the loss as an opportunity to kick Rousey while she’s down.On Saturday, Ronda got delivered a series of knockout blows from underdog Holly Holm in which she needed plastic surgery. News is she’s pretty depressed about the whole situation, but that’s she’s vowed to set up a rematch and win her title back.

15 Weird Things To Do To Your Hair That Are Actually Great For It

When it comes to hair problems -- dryness, hair loss, dullness, brittleness, etc. -- you could spend your entire savings on expensive remedies at the drugstore. But more often than not, the results are pretty lackluster. Consider this for a second, though: what about applying all-natural ingredients to your head instead! Stop dousing your dreads with harmful chemicals, which for all you know are only making matters worse, and opt for things you already have.

1. Wash your hair with an egg for shiny results.

Whisk an egg and use it as your shampoo and conditioner every two weeks or so. The protein-packed food will leave your locks shiny and clean.

2. Add some olive oil and honey to the egg to promote hair growth.

Mix an egg white with one teaspoon of olive oil and honey. Apply it to your hair, leave for 20 minutes, shampoo, and rinse with cold water.

3. Rinse your hair with red wine for silky, shiny locks.

After you've shampooed and conditioned, douse your head with red wine and rinse well.

4. Speaking of red wine, it also helps prevent hair loss and dandruff.

Drinking some each day does your hair a world of good!

5. Beer also makes your hair shinier and softer.

Pour a warm beer over your head in the shower after you've washed your hair. Let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse with cold water for best results. The proteins and vitamins are great for your tresses.

6. Reverse hair washing is a thing and you should be doing it.

Get your hair wet, apply conditioner, and leave in for a few minutes -- then apply your shampoo ON TOP of the conditioner and rinse thoroughly. Do this every week or so for great results!

7. Deep condition with olive oil.

Douse your locks from the ears down with olive oil and cover your hair in saran wrap for an hour. Then, rinse out with shampoo for shiny, silky results.

8. Slather your hair with mayonnaise.

It definitely sounds gross, but using a mayo mask every month helps protect your hair from sun damage, breakage, styling products, and even moisturizes your locks.

9. Combat frizz and static electricity with dryer sheets.

Just rub one from your roots to the ends for instant control.

10. Rinse your hair with onion juice to make it grow faster.

The sulphur in the smelly veggies boosts collagen production. Chop 'em up and squeeze out the juices. Apply the watery mix to your scalp and leave for 15 minutes -- rinse after.

11. Use maple syrup as a mask to cure dryness.

If it's too thick, dilute the syrup with some water, apply to your hair, and let it sit for up to two hours. Shower and rinse like usual and your hair will be super moisturized.

12. Get silky, shiny hair with an avocado mask.

It may seem like a waste of a perfectly good guacamole ingredient, but mix one with some olive oil and lemon juice, let it sit in your hair, and wash it out with shampoo for seriously epic results.

13. Get rid of dandruff with aspirin.
Combine two crushed-up aspirins into your normal amount of shampoo and leave it for a few minutes while you finish showering.

14. Give your brown hair a color boost with cocoa powder.

This mask recipe with yogurt and honey does the trick. There are recipes for blondes and redheads, too.

15. Moisturize your hair with bananas.

Be sure to mash up the bananas in this one-ingredient mask (it's bananas, by the way), let it sit in your hair for 30 minutes, then wash and rinse thoroughly!

There you have it...from painkillers to pancake toppings, these natural, inexpensive hair remedies will have your locks looking like this in no time: