
Sunday, April 9, 2017

Syria crisis: Russia raises prospect of war if it is given G7 ultimatum as it mocks Boris Johnson's no-show

Boris Johnson will lead talks with the G7 nations over Syria Credit: Reuters
Russia has raised the prospect of war with the West as it mocked Boris Johnson for cancelling a trip to Moscow in the wake of the Syrian nerve gas attack.
The Russian Embassy in London posted a series of provocative tweets on its official account in which it suggested that "a conventional war" could be one outcome if the G7 group of nations presents it with an ultimatum later this week.
The Embassy also said it was "deplorable" that Mr Johnson was "unable to stand Western ground" by attending talks with his Russian counterpart.
It came as Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, warned Russia it is responsible for the deaths caused by the Syrian chemical weapons attack "by proxy".
Mr Johnson had been due to fly to Moscow tonight for a series of meetings with Russian diplomats tomorrow, but after speaking to the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson he decided to cancel the trip and allow Mr Tillerson to take the lead with a visit to Moscow later in the week.
Instead, Mr Johnson will attend a meeting of foreign ministers of the G7 nations in Italy on Monday and Tuesday, where he will try to build a consensus for  demands to Russian President Vladimir Putin to pull his troops out of Syria and end his support for President Bashar al-Assad.
The Russian Embassy suggested that if President Putin was given an ultimatum, the outcome would be either a "war of clowns, war of muses, a conventional war or mix of the above".
The Foreign Office did not respond, though sources pointed out that the Russian Embassy in London has a history of tweeting provocative comments that come to nothing.
Writing in the Sunday Times Mr Fallon said: "Russia must show the resolve necessary to bring this regime to heel. The Russians have influence in the region.
"They helped broker the original deal to put chemical weapons out of commission. This latest war crime happened on their watch…
“By proxy Russia is responsible for every civilian death last week. If Russia wants to be absolved of responsibility for future attacks, Vladimir Putin needs to enforce commitments, to dismantle Assad’s chemical weapons arsenal for good, and to get fully engaged with the UN peacekeeping progress."
In a fresh development over the weekend Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, signalled a hardening of the Trump administration's attitude towards Syria by calling for regime change in an interview which will be broadcast today.
“There’s not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with Assad at the head of the regime,” she  said, while reiterating that defeating Isis was still the number one policy goal. “If you look at his actions, if you look at the situation, it’s going to be hard to see a government that’s peaceful and stable with Assad.”
This will bolster Mr Johnson's  hopes of  persuading  Donald Trump to commit to regime change after his surprise decision to launch air strikes on Assad forces after a chemical weapons attack killed more than 80.
It marked a major departure from the criticism of US military intervention and apparent support for Russia’s role in Syria that Mr Trump voiced during his election campaign.
However internal disagreements in the White House appear to be playing out after a string of mixed messages over Syria in recent days.
Mr Johnson announced the cancellation of his trip to Russia - the first a Foreign Secretary would have made in half a decade - by a statement posted online.
“Developments in Syria have changed the situation fundamentally,” Mr Johnson said, adding he would instead focus on building “coordinated international support for a ceasefire on the ground and an intensified political process”.
He said attempts to secure a “clear and co-ordinated message to the Russians” over Syria will be the focus of the G7 meeting.
The group - made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain and America - had included Russia under the G8 label until 2014, when it left after the annexation of Crimea.
A Foreign Office source said: “It has been noticeable this week that both Tillerson and Trump have said there is no future for Assad. One strand of what could come out of the G7 is that we say Assad has to go."
Mr Johnson would be “hitting the phone” to ensure a “very strong and very hard-hitting” statement over Russia’s involved in Syria is agreed, the source added.
The Foreign Secretary had been due to fly to Russia today and hold talks and a press conference with his counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Monday.
His allies privately conceded that appearing alongside Russia ministers just days the Syrian leader they support was accused of using chemical weapons was not advisable. However critics jumped on the cancellation.
On Saturday the Russian Embassy’s official Twitter account suggested Mr Johnson's “theatrics” hid a “lack of argument” over Syria.
The message linked to a rendition of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, written to commemorate Russia’s famous defeat of Napoleon that year.
Tim Farron, the Liberal Democrat leader, said: “Boris has revealed himself to be a poodle of Washington, having his diary managed from across the pond.”
Renewed focus on Britain's military efforts in Syria has followed Mr Trump’s air strike, which saw 59 Tomahawk missiles hit the al-Shayrat air base near the city of Homs.
Ministers have played down the likelihood of the UK launching its own air strikes on Assad forces, which they believe would need to be approved by MPs through another vote.
In a show of defiance at Jeremy Corbyn, 25 Labour MPs have signed a motion demanding tougher action on the Assad regime, including imposing a no-fly zone.
“Where chemical weapons are used, and where civilians are harmed, we must demonstrate to the perpetrators that such actions will not be tolerated,” the statement reads.
“Inaction has consequences too, and we cannot allow the slaughter to continue, and that is why we support immediate action to prevent further atrocities.”

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