
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Police officers are significantly more likely to give white people breaks on speeding tickets

The US-based economists Felipe Goncalves and Steven Mello have both had the police give them a break. It gave them a brilliant idea for uncovering racial bias in policing.
Both Goncalves and Mello had been stopped for driving above the speed limit, and when a police officer wrote their ticket, it was for less than the speed they were actually driving. The officer in both cases was being lenient. By reducing their official speed, they received a lesser fine. This kind of “speed discounting” is fairly common practice across US police departments.
Goncalves and Mello, PhD students at Princeton University who use economic analysis to study police misconduct, had stumbled on a test they could use to see if the police treated people of different races in this particular context. Were certain groups less likely to be treated leniently when caught driving over the speed limit? In a recently released paper (pdf), the researchers show that minorities are 50% less likely to get this kind of break.
In order to uncover this bias, Goncalves and Mello analyzed nearly one million tickets given out by Florida Highway Patrol from 2005-2015. They chose Florida because the state is particularly open with its fines data.
In Florida, like most states (pdf), the size of a speeding fine depends on the magnitude of the violation. In Florida, driving 6-9 miles per hour (mph) over a posted limit carries a fine of $125; 10 mph over, and it’s a minimum of least $200. Florida Highway Patrol officers give an inordinate amount of 9 mph tickets—more than 30% of all tickets were for going exactly 9 mph above the speed limit, indicating that the highway patrol does tend to be pretty lenient overall.
If racial bias plays a role in the likelihood of getting a break, we would expect minorities to get fewer 9 mph speeding tickets. That is exactly what Goncalves and Mello found. About 35% of all speeding tickets for drivers self-identifying as white are 9 mph tickets, while only 25% of tickets for minority drivers fall in that category.
Goncalves and Mello found the disparity has two causes: direct racial bias and regional differences.
“If you forced every officer to treat minorities the way they treat white people,” Goncalves told Quartz, the leniency disparity would drop, but only slightly. He and Mello found the majority of police officers actually don’t exhibit any bias at all. Their analysis suggests only 20% of officers are more lenient to a particular race—and though the majority of bias benefits whites, some officers are actually more lenient towards minorities. Women, younger officers, and minorities are all less likely display bias.
There are regional differences, though, that hide an insidious form of bias, explains Goncalves, that is powerful enough to have about twice the impact on the leniency disparity as direct racial bias. “Minorities tend to live in areas that are less lenient towards everybody,” he says. If all people in a 90% white area are given breaks, but all people in a 90% minority are not, it amounts to huge difference in actual experience, even if no individual police officer is acting biased.
What’s to be done? After they analyzed the impact of various policies, such as firing biased officers and hiring more minorities and women, Goncalves and Mello came to the conclusion that the most impactful policy would be to put more of the lenient officers in areas with large minority populations. In other words, give everybody an equal chance at a break.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Pictures of the Day: 9 April 2017

People watch the sunrise at Mam Tor, Peak District on what is to be the hottest day of the year so far.

Explosion at Egyptian church during Palm Sunday service kills 21, injures dozens

A bomb blast at a church north of Cairo killed at least 21 people and wounded dozens who had gathered for Palm Sunday mass, state media reported, in the latest apparent attack on Egypt's Coptic Christians.
Some 40 people were wounded in the blast, which struck at a Coptic Church in the Nile Delta City of Tanta, 120 kilometres (75 miles) north of Cairo, the reports said.
Palm Sunday is one of the holiest days of the Christian calendar, marking the triumphant entrance of Jesus to Jerusalem.
The state-run Nile television channel said the blast struck the Mar Girgis Coptic Church in Tanta just before 10:00am (0800 GMT).
Provincial governor Ahmad Deif told the channel that at least 42 people were wounded and that the explosion occurred inside the church.
"Either a bomb was planted or someone blew himself up," Deif said, adding that security forces had searched the church and surrounding areas for additional explosive devices.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for Sunday's blast.
Copts, who make up about one tenth of Egypt's population of more than 92 million and who celebrate Easter next weekend, have been targeted by several attacks in recent months.

Jihadists and Islamists accuse them of supporting the military overthrow of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi in 2013, which ushered in a deadly crackdown on his supporters.
In December, a suicide bombing claimed by the Islamic State group killed 29 worshippers during Sunday mass in Cairo.
The bombing of the church within a compound that also holds the seat of the Coptic papacy was the deadliest attack against the minority in recent memory.
A spate of jihadist-linked attacks in Egypt's restive Sinai Peninsula, including the murder of a Copt in the city of El Arish whose house was also burned, have led some Coptic families to flee their homes.
About 250 Christians took refuge in the Suez Canal city of Ismailiya after the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) released a video in February calling for attacks on the religious minority.
Egypt's army is waging a counter-insurgency against an Isil affiliate in Sinai, which has claimed scores of attacks against police and army positions.
President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, who as army chief helped the military to remove Morsi, defended his security forces in a televised address soon afterwards.
"(The attacks aim to) destabilise the fabric of Egypt... to give the impression that one group isn't protected as it should be," Sisi said at the time.
Following Morsi's ouster, mobs attacked dozens of churches and Christian properties.
Pope Francis is due to visit Cairo on April 28-29 to show solidarity with Egypt's Christian community.
The pontiff will visit the site of the December church attack next to Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral - the seat of Coptic Christian Pope Tawadros II.
On Sunday the Pope condemned the blast.
"I pray for the dead and the victims. May the Lord convert the hearts of people who sow terror, violence and death and even the hearts of those who produce and traffic in weapons," he said at the end of his Palm Sunday Mass before tens of thousands of people in St. Peter's Square.
He expressed his "deepest condolences" to all Egyptians and to the head of the Coptic Church, who is due to be one of his hosts on the April 28-29 trip.

Syria crisis: Russia raises prospect of war if it is given G7 ultimatum as it mocks Boris Johnson's no-show

Boris Johnson will lead talks with the G7 nations over Syria Credit: Reuters
Russia has raised the prospect of war with the West as it mocked Boris Johnson for cancelling a trip to Moscow in the wake of the Syrian nerve gas attack.
The Russian Embassy in London posted a series of provocative tweets on its official account in which it suggested that "a conventional war" could be one outcome if the G7 group of nations presents it with an ultimatum later this week.
The Embassy also said it was "deplorable" that Mr Johnson was "unable to stand Western ground" by attending talks with his Russian counterpart.
It came as Michael Fallon, the Defence Secretary, warned Russia it is responsible for the deaths caused by the Syrian chemical weapons attack "by proxy".
Mr Johnson had been due to fly to Moscow tonight for a series of meetings with Russian diplomats tomorrow, but after speaking to the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson he decided to cancel the trip and allow Mr Tillerson to take the lead with a visit to Moscow later in the week.
Instead, Mr Johnson will attend a meeting of foreign ministers of the G7 nations in Italy on Monday and Tuesday, where he will try to build a consensus for  demands to Russian President Vladimir Putin to pull his troops out of Syria and end his support for President Bashar al-Assad.
The Russian Embassy suggested that if President Putin was given an ultimatum, the outcome would be either a "war of clowns, war of muses, a conventional war or mix of the above".
The Foreign Office did not respond, though sources pointed out that the Russian Embassy in London has a history of tweeting provocative comments that come to nothing.
Writing in the Sunday Times Mr Fallon said: "Russia must show the resolve necessary to bring this regime to heel. The Russians have influence in the region.
"They helped broker the original deal to put chemical weapons out of commission. This latest war crime happened on their watch…
“By proxy Russia is responsible for every civilian death last week. If Russia wants to be absolved of responsibility for future attacks, Vladimir Putin needs to enforce commitments, to dismantle Assad’s chemical weapons arsenal for good, and to get fully engaged with the UN peacekeeping progress."
In a fresh development over the weekend Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, signalled a hardening of the Trump administration's attitude towards Syria by calling for regime change in an interview which will be broadcast today.
“There’s not any sort of option where a political solution is going to happen with Assad at the head of the regime,” she  said, while reiterating that defeating Isis was still the number one policy goal. “If you look at his actions, if you look at the situation, it’s going to be hard to see a government that’s peaceful and stable with Assad.”
This will bolster Mr Johnson's  hopes of  persuading  Donald Trump to commit to regime change after his surprise decision to launch air strikes on Assad forces after a chemical weapons attack killed more than 80.
It marked a major departure from the criticism of US military intervention and apparent support for Russia’s role in Syria that Mr Trump voiced during his election campaign.
However internal disagreements in the White House appear to be playing out after a string of mixed messages over Syria in recent days.
Mr Johnson announced the cancellation of his trip to Russia - the first a Foreign Secretary would have made in half a decade - by a statement posted online.
“Developments in Syria have changed the situation fundamentally,” Mr Johnson said, adding he would instead focus on building “coordinated international support for a ceasefire on the ground and an intensified political process”.
He said attempts to secure a “clear and co-ordinated message to the Russians” over Syria will be the focus of the G7 meeting.
The group - made up of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain and America - had included Russia under the G8 label until 2014, when it left after the annexation of Crimea.
A Foreign Office source said: “It has been noticeable this week that both Tillerson and Trump have said there is no future for Assad. One strand of what could come out of the G7 is that we say Assad has to go."
Mr Johnson would be “hitting the phone” to ensure a “very strong and very hard-hitting” statement over Russia’s involved in Syria is agreed, the source added.
The Foreign Secretary had been due to fly to Russia today and hold talks and a press conference with his counterpart Sergey Lavrov on Monday.
His allies privately conceded that appearing alongside Russia ministers just days the Syrian leader they support was accused of using chemical weapons was not advisable. However critics jumped on the cancellation.
On Saturday the Russian Embassy’s official Twitter account suggested Mr Johnson's “theatrics” hid a “lack of argument” over Syria.
The message linked to a rendition of Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture, written to commemorate Russia’s famous defeat of Napoleon that year.
Tim Farron, the Liberal Democrat leader, said: “Boris has revealed himself to be a poodle of Washington, having his diary managed from across the pond.”
Renewed focus on Britain's military efforts in Syria has followed Mr Trump’s air strike, which saw 59 Tomahawk missiles hit the al-Shayrat air base near the city of Homs.
Ministers have played down the likelihood of the UK launching its own air strikes on Assad forces, which they believe would need to be approved by MPs through another vote.
In a show of defiance at Jeremy Corbyn, 25 Labour MPs have signed a motion demanding tougher action on the Assad regime, including imposing a no-fly zone.
“Where chemical weapons are used, and where civilians are harmed, we must demonstrate to the perpetrators that such actions will not be tolerated,” the statement reads.
“Inaction has consequences too, and we cannot allow the slaughter to continue, and that is why we support immediate action to prevent further atrocities.”

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Donald Trump rally: Highway blocked by protesters

Demonstrators blocked a highway in Arizona as Donald Trump prepared to stage a rally near Phoenix.
The front-runner in the race to be the Republicans' US presidential candidate addressed supporters in Fountain Hills.
Some 50 protesters caused traffic jams as they held up posters with slogans such as "Dump Trump".
The billionaire's rallies have been marred by a series of recent incidents. A meeting in Chicago a week ago was cancelled after protests.
Hundreds of demonstrators had gathered at the University of Illinois and fighting broke out between supporters and protesters in the auditorium where Mr Trump was due to speak.
Criticism over violent Trump rallies
What Trump says about protesters at his rallies
Why are Americans so angry?
In the latest disturbance, protesters marched down the highway leading to Fountain Hills. Police made several arrests before the demonstrators dispersed.
Some, heavily outnumbered by Trump supporters, made their way to the edge of the rally venue in Fountain Park.
Speaking later at the rally, Mr Trump described the protesters as "disgraceful" and said they were "representing [Democratic front-runner] Hillary Clinton".Demonstrators blocked a highway in Arizona as Donald Trump prepared to stage a rally near Phoenix.
The front-runner in the race to be the Republicans' US presidential candidate addressed supporters in Fountain Hills.
Some 50 protesters caused traffic jams as they held up posters with slogans such as "Dump Trump".
The billionaire's rallies have been marred by a series of recent incidents. A meeting in Chicago a week ago was cancelled after protests.
Hundreds of demonstrators had gathered at the University of Illinois and fighting broke out between supporters and protesters in the auditorium where Mr Trump was due to speak.
In the latest disturbance, protesters marched down the highway leading to Fountain Hills. Police made several arrests before the demonstrators dispersed.
Some, heavily outnumbered by Trump supporters, made their way to the edge of the rally venue in Fountain Park.
Speaking later at the rally, Mr Trump described the protesters as "disgraceful" and said they were "representing [Democratic front-runner] Hillary Clinton".

Trump rally in Fountain Park, Arizona, 19 March 2016

Trump rally in Fountain Park, Arizona, 19 March 2016
In Mr Trump's home city of New York, several hundred protesters gathered outside Trump Tower in Manhattan.
Some chanted slogans accusing him of racism, sexism and being anti-gay. The gathering included immigrants' rights activists and socialists.
Several protesters carrying "Vote Trump" placards were also present, explaining that they wanted to demonstrate their right to support Mr Trump.
Anti-Trump protest outside Trump Tower, 19 March 2016
On 12 March, a man tried to rush Mr Trump as he spoke on stage in Ohio but was prevented from doing so by Secret Service agents.
A Trump supporter was also charged with assault after multiple videos showed him punching a protester at a campaign rally in North Carolina.
Mr Trump has been accused of creating tension through divisive rhetoric, but he denies using hate speech or playing any part in fostering division.
The Arizona rally was the Republican hopeful's second visit to the state in three months. A primary takes place there on 22 March.
Mr Trump and Mrs Clinton strengthened their leads in a series of primaries last Tuesday.

Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam 'changed suicide bomb plan'

Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam has admitted he wanted to blow himself up but then changed his mind, a French prosecutor says.
Abdeslam has been charged with terrorism offences in Belgium a day after he was seized in a dramatic raid.
Abdeslam will fight extradition to France but has been co-operating with police, his lawyer says.
The Paris attacks in November left 130 people dead and dozens injured.
The so-called Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the bombings and shootings.
Abdeslam is charged with participation in terrorist murder and the activities of a terrorist group, Belgium's federal prosecutor's office says.
Paris prosecutor Francois Molins told a news conference: "Salah Abdeslam today during questioning by [Belgian] investigators affirmed that, and I quote, 'he wanted to blow himself up at the Stade de France and that he had backed down'."
Abdeslam's assertions should be treated with caution, he added.
The 26-year-old French national, born in Belgium, is in custody following his arrest in Brussels on Friday after four months on the run.
Investigators hope Abdeslam, who was shot in the leg during his arrest, will reveal more information about the IS network behind the Paris attacks, its financing and plans.
They believe he helped with logistics, including renting rooms and driving suicide bombers to the Stade de France.
Abdeslam is believed to have fled shortly after the attacks, returning to the Molenbeek district of Brussels.
Molenbeek raid: As it happened
Salah Abdeslam's luck runs out

Is Molenbeek a haven for Belgian jihadis?
Salah Abdeslam's Belgian lawyer Sven Mary
Interpol has meanwhile urged "extra vigilance" at borders following Friday's Brussels raid, saying more accomplices may try to flee Europe.


The subject of a massive manhunt, Salah Abdeslam was arrested about 500m (1,600ft) from his home in Molenbeek. His brother, Brahim, was one of the Paris attackers, who blew himself up.
Another man arrested at the same time as Salah Abdeslam on Friday, Monir Ahmed Alaaj, has also been charged with participation in terrorist murder and the activities of a terrorist group, the Belgian prosecutors say.
Friday's raid also saw three members of a family detained.
They include Abid Aberkan, described as a friend of Abdeslam, who has been charged with participation in the activities of a terrorist organisation and harbouring criminals.
Another family member, identified as Djemila M, has been charged with harbouring criminals, but is not in custody, the prosecutor's office says.
Abid Aberkan's mother, Sihane, has been freed and faces no charges.


The raid came after Abdeslam's fingerprints were found in a flat in another Brussels district, Forest, raided on Tuesday.
Dramatic footage showed Abdeslam being bundled into a police car on Friday after a volley of gunfire. Alaaj was also injured during the arrests, but both suspects were discharged from hospital on Saturday.
French President Francois Hollande said Abdeslam's arrest was "an important moment".
"The battle against terrorism does not end tonight, even though this is a victory," Mr Hollande told a news conference on Friday with Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel.

"We must catch all those who allowed, organised or facilitated these attacks and we realise that they are a lot more numerous than we thought earlier and had identified," he said.
Prosecutors said Alaaj had travelled with Abdeslam to Germany last October, where his fingerprints were taken during an identity check.
A false Syrian passport in Alaaj's name and Belgian identity papers under an alias were found in a flat in Forest raided on Tuesday.
More details have meanwhile emerged about an Algerian national, Mohamed Belkaid, shot dead in Tuesday's raid.
Associated Press says it has been passed documents by the Syrian opposition news site, Zaman al-Wasl, suggesting he joined IS in 2014 and asked to be a suicide bomber.
Belgian investigators say he is likely to have been an associate of Abdeslam.
Along with the Stade de France, the Paris bombings and shootings targeted the Bataclan concert hall and bars and restaurants.
Officials have identified most of the people they believe to have carried out the assaults and on Friday Mr Hollande predicted that more arrests could follow.
Most of the suspects either died during the attacks or were killed in subsequent police raids.
  • What happened during the Paris attacks?
  • Who were the Paris attackers?
graphic of Paris attackers

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

6 Tips To Make Her Beg For Sex

#1 Slow Motion

Don’t run through the drill. She likes foreplay way more than you do. We know you quickly want to jump into the main act. But still you need to start slow and gradually turn her on. Start by touching her gently on her arm, neck, thighs, belly, hair and face. Then slowly start progressing to the next level. The wait will kill her, and she will leap on you like a tigress when the right moment comes.

#2 Kiss Right

The softer your kiss, the more passionate it will be. This will warm her up for you, and she will take you in as a lover, not as an organism who can give means to an end, if you know what we mean.

#3 Give Her A Teaser

Give her a teaser of the things that will follow but most importantly, know when to stop. Tease her by moving your finger round her clitoris, but don’t do anything yet. She will beg you to go ahead, but don’t do it. The longer you make her wait, the more aroused she gets. (But don’t wait too long!)

#4 Be Unpredictable

Surprise her by being unpredictable. Leave her guessing every move you are about to make. If you are gentle one moment, be unpredictable the next. Throw her onto the bed, take her top off, and then gently kiss her neck and chest. She loves doing the guesswork for you.
If you get these basics right, she will already be half way into her orgasm and begging you to take her there as fast as you can.

#5 Talk Dirty

Your little lover loves to be talked dirty. The rules of propriety don’t apply in the bedroom, so you can go all out and talk dirty to her by asking her questions about how she’s feeling, how bad she wants it; and telling her what exactly you want to do to her, etc. Both of you need to be very comfortable with your sexuality for this to work. The last thing you want for her is to start crying!

#6 Lift Her Up

Press her up against the wall and lift her up off the ground by her butt so that her legs wrap around your waist. Up the intensity by viciously dry humping her. Then push her away, stare into her eyes, and then roughly dry hump her again.